
Saturday, December 05, 2009

A lazy night in bed with my girls...
I have so much to say, so little energy to say it...
Hannah and I managed to supply THREE fairs with product this weekend. We are both PAST tired! I cannot believe how much we have done in such a little amount of time. I'm a little burned out, but happy to be done! Our last fair of the season is Friday at Bowdoin College.

Depending on how much we have left, Hannah and I might have an open house. We'll see.

The other issue I'm having is that my computer card reader seems to be malfunctioning. I tell you, I have the worst luck with technology!!! It drives me BATTY! I'm trying to upload photos and my computer can't read my card. Angry. It makes me angry! When and IF I get it to work, I will share photos of my most recent work and schtuff!

Okay, the girls are on their last minutes of tolerance and Santa Claus is Coming to Town is almost over.

nighty night!

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