- Gave the girls leftover pancakes. We always freeze them and then never eat them! I finally remembered! So much healthier than cereal and much more satisfying!
- Remembered that today is Meka's teacher's long day and packed her some extra chicken soup and biscuits
- Made some funky dangly earrings and a fun tri-string bracelet
- Remembered that I had leftover white fleece from a ghost costume I had made for Meka and cut out a new one for Jolee
- Gave away most of my gluten-free cooking supplies...I'm not goin' there again!
- Made an appointment with our homeopath for Meka. After reading "Ritalin Free Kids" last night I have decided that drugs are NOT the answer I'm looking for
- Went to meet "Mr. Hamilton," a living Native American historian that was visiting Meka's school. She was SO excited about him! He was out in the woods in traditional "chief" garb, he had a fire going, water warming, pelts all around him..it was quite cool.
- Picked up the first of my winter farm share
- Tried to not get stressed out about Jolee harassing the ducks, and then she and Elvia taking their shoes off and squishing their feet in the mud (can you imagine how GOOD that must have felt???)
- Let Meka promise me that she would shut the light off in 10 minutes so that she could read a magazine to Jolee.
And with that, I'm off to make more jewelry! Kids bracelets now! I'll have photos tomorrow.
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