I had started my "list" of 10 things...so I'll continue in that vein.
10 things I'm enjoying these days
10. Sewing. I go through these periods of time when my sewing machine is my friend. I dust her off and we play for days! And then...something happens...Oh, right, my knitting needles call out to me, "hey! what about us???" and so it goes... I have experienced a bit of OCD when it comes to buying fabric in the past. I had a stash to make a quilt for Elvia, a stash to make pillows for our living room, a stash to make dresses for Meka (when she was 5!!!)...and on and on. I finally took it all out, piece by piece, and created! It felt so good to use what I had...not buying anything new...and make things for my family. A big "YES!" was felt in my soul!
Here are some photos of my creations:

Elvia's new "big girl bed" with her quilt that I managed to make in a day!!!

Her "loveys" on her bed. What's missing is the hundreds of books that usually surround her!

Pillows on our new couch! We finally broke down and purchased a new couch...our old one had holes in the cushions and I did NOT want to venture into making slipcovers! Plus, the cushions were pretty spent after 14 years of being sat upon!
and I digress...
9. Cooking. Yes, cooking. I enjoy cooking so much! And, yes, I do cook from scratch...even cheesecake! (inside joke with LJ) I have been receiving so many fun, unusual vegetables from my farm share at Life Force Farm. I have been challenged to find new recipes and have been ordering cookbooks via interlibrary loan and pouring through them trying to find ways to cook the veggies and ALSO recipes that my kids will eat! I love eating soup every night, but they balk at it after the 3rd or 4th night!
Last night I made a delicious red cabbage soup and a loaf of oatmeal bread. It's just so satisfying to make bread. What a treat for my entire family!
I pick up my farm share again today...time to find recipes for collard greens!
8. Nature. I have really been enjoying my surroundings. I haven't been out as much as I would like, it being hunting season and all...but when I'm out, I am in heaven! I took Gracy Lou for a walk during Meka's horseback riding lesson the other day and at one point said aloud, "I am so lucky!!!" Blessed. Lucky. yes, indeed.
7. Helping Meka work through her stuff. And stuff she's got! We have her back on a homeopathic remedy to try to help her focus (we have decided that drugs are NOT in our future...too scary and not appropriate for her). She has been "prescribed" a small square of dark chocolate every afternoon to try to increase her ability to concentrate. She doesn't mind that at all!
And I've been really trying to give her the love and affection she's been craving. Even at almost 9 she loves to crawl into my lap and just be loved. What a gift for both of us.
6. Planning a Winter Solstice celebration at church. I'm not sure how it will unfold, but I'm excited at the idea of planning a fantastically fun celebration of the longest day of the year...for kids!
5. Teaching Religious Education/Exploration at church. I know...those of you who know me would never peg me for someone to teach RE, let alone ATTEND church! But, it IS a Unitarian Universalist church...the church of the OPEN MIND. So I fit right in! Teaching has presented many challenges...behavior issues with kids, not favoring my own daughter...but I love the challenge!
4. Being warm. Donny, did you read that??? I love being warm! I have been complaining a bit about being too warm...but the fact that I'm not COLD is lovely!!!
3. Being a bit more introspective. Really stopping to look at feelings I'm having and try to wrap my heart around them. Rather than beating myself up about not doing this or doing that...I'm really looking at it and figuring stuff out. For example, some good friends want to do a community garden...usually I would say "yes" because that's what THEY want, but I said, "probably not" because it's just not where I want to put my energy next summer. I want to have the freedom to go to the beach, have fun in our own garden and not be stressed about "producing" in a community garden.
2. Being available to my friends. I feel like I'm in a good space right now which gives me some space to open up and be more emotionally available to my friends.
1. Playing with my kids. I'm really trying to take time to play with my children. I'm so busy "producing" that I have a hard time taking time to enjoy just being with them. They are such lovely little creatures...really quite fun!
until next time,
beautiful job on the quilt. Sounds like your kitchen is the place I want to be right now - yummy stuff bubbling everywhere! Good for you for being in such a good place as the holidays come screaming up on us. Can it last?!?